
Posts Tagged ‘Curry’

I just made some of the best Indian food that I have ever had – and it was EASY!

October 9, 2011 Leave a comment

So I was watching the cooking channel, and they had a commercial for Alton Brown coming to their network which featured a curry episode. I got kind of excited about this since my neighbors have been cooking up a curry all day and it smelled delicious. Since every episode of Good Eats is available for free on YouTube, I went to check it out. Everything that they made was too complicated, and every recipe that I could find had way too many ingredients. I decided to give something else a try, and figured that it would probably be completely disgusting, but why not?

I had some pulled pork that I had made earlier which was hitting the end of its shelf life, as well as some leftover rice from Chinese delivery the other day. I went to the store to grab some organic whole-milk yogurt just started winging it.

The Sauce
I put about 1/4 cup of yogurt into a mixing bowl and started adding generic yellow curry powder until it looked like it was a good color (probably about two tablespoons). I like my curry with a little bit more cumin, so I added a bit. I mixed in Sriracha sauce until I got the desired heat and color. That’s it!

I broke my pulled pork into sizeable chunks and mixed it all together. I put all of that into my little dipper slow cooker for about an hour. Once that was ready, I brought the Chinese food rice back to life in the microwave by adding a little bit of water. Poured the pulled pork and sauce over rice and went to town.

Wow!!! Since this was so easy, I was sure that it was going to be disgusting. I’m not sure if it was the sauce or the fact that I used pulled pork (have you ever heard of that being done??), but it was delicious. The sauce was smooth and spicy. The pulled pork was an excellent compliment to the curry sauce. The rice was pretty bad, but the sauce covered it up.

Seriously, this dish has like four ingredients. Even if it wasn’t this good, I would keep making it- but it is. This has to be the easiest pseudo-Indian food recipe that I have ever seen. Try it, you won’t be disappointed.

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